Marianne Ruff

Marianne Ruff
Computer Art Designer
Schweighofstrasse 91
CH-8045 Zurich (Switzerland)
Phone: ++41 (0)1 450 51 21
Fax: ++41 (0)1 461 65 65

Allow me briefly to present myself and my work

From 1989 to 1991 I was trained in Transactional Analysis at the Dr. Anne Kohlhaas Institute. In 1993, I completed my courses in working with and counselling the elderly at the Alfred-Adler-Institute in Zurich. Since 1990 I have been regularly attending lectures and seminars in Jungian Psychology at the University of Zurich.

For years I have been making study-trips to the USA - to see the powerful nature and the overwhelming visual impressions this country transmitts to its visitors. Since 1991, I have been deeply involved in exploring the potential of computers for creative work.

What is computer art?

For a long time the unexpected and never exhausting capabilities of computers have fascinated designers, constructors and - more recently - graphic artists. What is involved here is a fundamentally new medium.

How do my pictures differ from conventional computer art?

In contrast to the more familiar type of computer art, which often merely confines itself to the technical possibilities of a new and fascinating medium, I employ the computer as a tool. I am much more concerned with the rich and deep symbols of our psyche, transforming them by intensive development processes into magical and enchanting images. In each case I decide on a theme - a particular emotion, a precisely defined realm of feeling or experience. I have repeatedly found that my pictures trigger the same emotions on a subjective level in the viewer. My studies in psychology are, of course, a prerequisite for this procedure.

My pictures are photographic prints. I limit them to 25 copies per picture. The original transparency will be destroyed after the 25 prints have been produced. My pictures are printed in a 35 x 50 cm or 50 x 70 cm format. The price ranges between CHF 600.-- and CHF 1200.--.

For more information about myself and my Computer Art, please also visit my Home Page.

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